Iraq: Government Said To Have Foiled US "Espionage Attempt Via Computers".
Source: `Al-Sharq al-Awsat' web site, London, in Arabic 11 Oct 99 Text of report by London-based newspaper `Al-Sharq al-Awsat' web site on 11th October
Iraqi official sources have told `Al-Sharq al-Awsat'that government scientific and security organs in Baghdad have succeeded in foiling a big US espionage attempt via computers shipped by contracting companies to Iraq. The sources said: The first shipment of 450 computers, which arrived in Iraq through these companies, were to have been installed in various government ministries.
It appears, however, that a report, which was published in the local press some months ago, raised suspicions about a certain government department as the main beneficiary from the deal. The Defence Ministry's computer department had also planned to purchase 180 of these most sophisticated personal computers through local importers.
The official sources added: Baghdad has now succeeded in setting up a scientific team with special equipment for checking computers that are ordered by government establishments. A special department in the Iraqi Interior Ministry also carries out regular checks on all systems and units.
Moreover, a special team consisting of experts from this department, as well as the National Computer Centre and the Defence Ministry's computer department, has completed its work on the adoption of a special system for discovering any attempt to hack into computers in government departments, some of which have already begun linking their equipment to their head offices through a local area network.
The Iraqi official sources believe that "the results of this department's work in protecting national security will lead to its enhancement by increasing its personnel, especially in the field of development and research".
An Iraqi study has recommended producing " counter-offensive programmes to the US war against Iraq". Another study published in an Iraqi periodical - which is unprecedented in a country like Iraq - reveals that "an attempt to spy on Iraq through special chips that were built into equipment, including military ones, which Iraq bought from west European countries, was foiled".
Iraqi President Saddam Husayn had pledged earlier to support the computer software industry to allow the establishment of a special base for this industry.